On-Demand Courses and Consultations

On-Demand Courses:

Online Consultations:

Machine Shop - Basic CAD using Fusion 360
Email Stan Cotreau to schedule a session at cotreau@g.harvard.edu
Course designed to get the total novice up and running with CAD software. Once finished they should be able to tap linkedin learning with success.

CCB X-Ray Lab - Problematic Structure Refinement
Email Shao-Liang Zheng  to schedule a session at zheng@chemistry.harvard.edu
One-on-one session designed to help users solve their own problematic structure and/or answer the crystallographic comments from the reviewers, ensure the structure is publishable.

Harvard Center for Mass Spectrometry - Online Consultation
Email Sunia Trauger to schedule a session at strauger@fas.harvard.edu)
One-on-one online individualized consultations by appointment.